
FIFA president Gianni Infantino goes on surreal tirade over Qatar World Cup ‘hypocrisy’

FIFA president Gianni Infantino is snapping back at the critics of the 2022 World Cup being held in Qatar.

In a lengthy opening to his news conference Saturday, he lashed out at those who have been critical of Qatar over moral issues, the nation’s treatment of migrant workers and the LGBTQ+ community and last minute changes, such as a ban on alcohol in the stadiums.

“We are told to make many lessons from some Europeans, from the western world. I’m European,” Infantino said. “I think for what we Europeans have been doing for 3,000 years around the world, we should be apologizing for the next 3,000 years before starting to give moral lessons to people.’”

Infantino, who is expected to retain his position as president as he is running unopposed for reelection in March, said, “How many of these European companies who earn millions and millions from Qatar or other countries in the region — billions every year — how many of them have addressed migrant-worker rights? I have the answer: none of them because if they change the legislation it means less profits.”

FIFA president Gianni Infantino during a press conference, REUTERS
Protesters demonstrate ahead of World Cup outside the Qatar embassy in London. Reuters

That came after a slew of issues have hit Qatar over the last few days with the World Cup, the first to be held in the Middle East, set to open on Sunday with a match between Qatar and Ecuador. The country’s migrant workers and their families are demanding compensation from FIFA and Qatar for believed abuses that include unexplained deaths suffered in preparation for the tournament.

“This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t point [out] that doesn’t work here in Qatar as well,” Infantino said. “Of course, there are things that don’t work and need to be addressed. But this moral lesson giving, one-sided, it is just hypocrisy.”

The country has faced complaints over the treatment of workers, and of course, the abrupt cessation of alcohol sales at the event. Infantino questioned European immigration policy. He also stated that the Qatar Supreme Committee assured him that everyone would be allowed in the country, despite its strict laws — punishable in some cases by death — against homosexuality.

“They’ve confirmed that I can confirm that everyone is welcome,” Infantino said. “If the odd person here or there says the opposite, it’s not the opinion of the country and it’s certainly not the opinion of FIFA. This a clear FIFA requirement, that everyone is to be welcome.”

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Infantino opened his speech by sympathizing with those groups.

“Today I have very strong feelings, today I feel Qatari, today I feel Arab, today I feel African, today I feel gay, today I feel disabled, today I feel a migrant worker,” he said.

Argentina fans show their support during the Fan Festival Official Opening ahead of the FIFA World Cup 2022. FIFA via Getty Images

Infantino explained that as a child at school, he was bullied because he “had red hair and freckles.”

He did not seem alarmed by the alcohol ban and reiterated that FIFA is still fully in control of the tournament.

“Let me first assure you that every decision taken at this World Cup is a joint decision between Qatar and FIFA,” Infantino said. “Every decision. It is discussed, debated and taken jointly. There will be over 200 places where you can buy alcohol in Qatar.”