Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams


Brendan Fraser is a survivor of Hollywood’s ‘Jungle’

Brendan Fraser. He’ll collect every award worth awarding for “The Whale.” Happens the guy’s also a collector. He also collects vintage Polaroids.

Fraser deserves awards for niceness. In ’99 this movie star — at an airport — helped an elderly couple struggling with their luggage. He carried it for them. They didn’t recognize him and offered a $3 tip. Whether he took it or not, this I don’t know. Then starring in “Dudley Do-Right,” “The Mummy” sequel, “George of the Jungle” and “Blast From the Past,” he probably didn’t need it. 1999 I reported some cockamamie news team awarded him the Best Butt. May 2001, I wrote superhot Fraser once sold fragrance in a department store for Christmas. ’08 he was in “The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.”

He and ex-wife Afton share the same birthday. Superbest actor, nicest human being, this resurgence — thanks to the brilliance of director Darren Aronofsky to cast him — could not happen to a better human being.

Pickup artists

Judy Brown’s “The Comedy Thesaurus”: Realtor praising a house’s great view and Garry Shandling’s: “For 500 grand I better open the curtains and see breasts against the window.” And Jay Leno’s: “Two out of three women had sex with someone in the office. I can’t even get toner to go in the copier.”

Steve Martin: “Hard to keep marriage together in Hollywood because we sleep with so many people.”

Ron DeSantis
Ron DeSantis took control of Disney’s special tax district. AFP via Getty Images

Now hear this

Recent statements: ­DeSantis-appointed Disney oversight board includes an evangelical pastor who believes homosexuality’s due to increased estrogen in the water from birth control pills. So, listen, if fleeing to Tampa, sip seltzer.

And looking to savage Kellyanne Conway’s very smart about-to-be-divorced husband? Stand down. Easy. Exchange barbs with conservative Republican lawyer George and you’ll look like Poland after WWII.

Claire Foy
Claire Foy stars in the new woman-led film “Women Talking.” Variety via Getty Images

All female casting

Women’s History Month. Oscar-nominated “Women Talking” stars Frances McDormand, Claire Foy, Judith Ivey, Rooney Mara. They shared trailers and worked together egoless in a hayloft. But needs customers. Made more than $6 mil at box office.

Town Hall’s International Women’s Day benefit concert Wednesday will feature Ashford & Simpson’s Valerie Simpson. She and late husband Nick Ashford once owned NYC’s Sugar Bar — where she, songwriter Jim Fragale and Charlie Calello who created those three notes following Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline” — dah dah dah — became Motown legends.

Women are still fighting for equal rights? I mean, please. What do they mean — equal? Women who want to be equal to men lack ambition.

And not only in New York, kids, only in New York.