Sex & Relationships

Why falling asleep 90 minutes before your partner can save your marriage

Some couples have found they benefit from sleeping in different beds — but apparently leaving some time between hitting the hay could be the key to a healthier relationship.

Research conducted by UK mattress company Dream found that over 50% of the week, the people surveyed reported they had a disturbed or broken bad night’s sleep.

The experts surveyed over 15,000 people, finding over a quarter of participants (27%) admitted they sleep better when they are sleeping solo, and 8% have even considered getting separate beds so they can get a better night’s sleep.

A whopping 55% revealed that their partner snoring is the most annoying thing about sharing a bed.

According to the sleep expert at Dreams, lack of sleep and the stress that comes from it has a serious impact on couples and their home life.

“People can be more prone to arguments when they’re tired or stressed because fatigue and pressure can impact someone’s ability to control their emotions and respond to situations calmly and rationally,” Sammy Margo, Sleep Expert at Dreams said. “Additionally, tiredness can lead to miscommunication or misunderstandings, which may also contribute to arguments.”

The key to a harmonious sleeping relationship could be going to bed 90 minutes before or after your partner. Getty Images/iStockphoto
The sleep expert recommends one partner have a head start to snooze-town. Getty Images/iStockphoto

However, all is not lost. If you do find yourself at odds with your partner over sleep — or lack thereof — there is a solution: going to bed approximately 90 minutes before or after your partner.

Margo said 90 minutes is the “optimal time” between jumping into bed with your significant other, as it allows one person to get to a deep sleep stage before the other person even gets into bed.

“This way, you still reap the benefits of the intimacy of sharing a bed with your partner, without the frustration of struggling to get to sleep next to them,” she explained.

“Plus, being open to this shows you care about your partner and their needs, it’s not a sign your relationship is on the rocks.”

Lack of sleep can contribute to relationship problems. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Although it may seem dramatic, there can be some benefits to a “sleep divorce” if you suffer from a sleep disorder.

“Studies demonstrate that when one bed partner has a sleep disorder it can negatively affect the other sleeper,” Dr. Erin Flynn-Evans, a consultant to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, told CBS News.

“For example, bed partners tend to wake up at the same time when one has insomnia,” she continued. “Similarly, when bed partners differ in chronotype, like when one is a night owl the other is an early bird, these differing sleep preferences can negatively impact both partners’ sleep.”