US News

‘Other Dublin’ campaign in Ohio city draws people from Ireland after promising free beer

It was the wrong Dublin, but the right deal.

An Ohio city with the same name as capital of Ireland lured visitors from across the pond for St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans by offering free beer and Midwestern hospitality.

Ten Irish citizens made the international trip from the European country to the American city of 50,000 people in response to the “Other Dublin” promotional campaign, according to an Axios report.

The free beer offer ran from March 8 to March 18 in the Ohio city. Visit Dublin Ohio

The offer ran from March 8 through March 18 and was aimed at lads and ladies from Ireland.  

“Our St. Patrick’s Day kicks off with a parade, followed by a pub crawl and plenty of other activities for all ages,” the city’s tourism bureau, Visit Dublin Ohio, wrote.

“What we lack in size, we make up for with charm … and shameless offers of free beer. Plus, you’ll be the madman (or madwoman) of your friend group who really flew to America for booze. And that’s priceless.”

The boozy bribe was limited to 25 total participants so the tourism bureau hit 40% of its maximum goal.

A group of four lads and a few couples flew in over the last two weekends, tourism bureau spokesperson Sara Blatnik told Axios.

Ten Irish citizens visited the other Dublin. Visit Dublin Ohio

She noted many of the travelers had family or friends in the area, but the promotion motivated the travel plans.

The guests were not given free beer, but $200 Visa gift cards meant to be spent on a Guinness or other lagers, per the outlet.

The campaign was deemed a success by the city’s tourism department. Visit Dublin Ohio

“I’d say our goals have been met for sure,” Blatnik reportedly said. 

A call and email to Visit Dublin Ohio was not immediately returned.