
The zodiac sign that needs to be extra cautious during Mercury retrograde

Well folks, we’re betwixt cataclysmic eclipses and deep in the fiery heart of this year’s first Mercury retrograde. This retrograde is retrograding in the adrenaline high, quick-to-fire, last-to-hesitate, caution-to-the-wind sign of Aries from April 1 to April 25.

Tensions are high, word vomit is nigh, vibes are off and calamity is guaranteed.

A quick recap; planets do not ever actually throw it in reverse. They do however slow their roll/orbit to the point that they appear to move backward from our vantage here on Earth. As the heavens are a mirror, this deceleration has a direct, and oft inconvenient bearing on our lived experience.

Because Mercury governs so much of the meat that makes up our daily existence; communication, expression, commerce, technology, and travel, the backpedal affects us one and all, and because Aries energy is extra in every sense of the word, this cycle will be a doozy. Yet, one sign is more apt than others to feel the burn this month.

Read on to learn more, then check out how this retrograde will impact your sign with April’s horoscope.

How will Mercury retrograde affect you?

Named for the emissary of the gods, Mercury is the patron planet of communication and thieves. Archivist –

The clairvoyant crew at Psychic World have joined forces with renowned astrologer Inbaal Honigman and are graciously sharing their insights with The Post.

When the planets slow down, it’s a cue to us Earthlings to follow suit. Retrogrades are a time to ramp down, take stock, reflect, revise, revisit, and reimagine. Who we were and what once fueled us may begin to feel like a skin suit that no longer fits.

Honigman explains, “Mercury retrograde can be opportunity for reflection and new beginnings and Spring is a particularly compelling time to think about changing your life. Hit the pause button, release built-up resentments and make peace with the past. Since retrograde tends to bring back people from the past, you may find yourself in contact with a previous flame –  but remember to exercise caution around exes during this time as relighting an old flame may cause havoc. The retrograde is a chance to recognize the relationships that deserve closure and those that deserve to continue.” 

Who will be affected the most?

Aries folk, with their horns and hellfire, will be most affected by this retrograde. ondrejprosicky –

Because Mercury retrograde is going down and slowing down in the cardinal fires of Aries, the people of the ram will be most affected by this transit.

For Aries folk, this retrograde/eclipse cycle is hitting their first house of the self; appearance, approach, personality, and personal identity. Rams, if they’re open to change and the adoption of new modalities, can experience a kind of renaissance in the realms of communication and interaction.

Honigman expounds, “Competitive, honest, and passionate Aries should think before speaking to avoid saying something they may regret later. Aries will want to be forgiven fast, but their actions and words may be hard to forget if they do not proceed with caution.”

Shoot for softly spoken truth over blunt force blurting.

Indeed, Aries folk tend to process their feelings immediately and out loud, a pattern that could do more harm than good this month.

The best strategy for this fire sign is to honor the directness and honesty they are known for but to apply a strategy of reflection over reaction to make sure their message is delivered without wrath and accepted without ire.

Think softly spoken truth over blunt force blurting.

How can you get the most out of this Mercury retrograde? 

An Aries practices mental discipline and verbal restraint during this month’s Mercury retrograde. alfa27 –

Mercury’s domains; communication, commerce, and relationships will suffer/shift during this retrograde but the universe is a benevolent force and often what falls apart/away is clearing the path for something better. Trust, there are ways to come out the other side whole and happy.  

Honigman expounds, “Prioritize self-care, (see here for the best stretches and exercises for your sign) Flexibility will be important, and remember to be patient. Think twice before you press send, and similarly try not to take any random insults to heart.”

Speaking of the heart, Honigman warns old flames might come out of the woodwork, particularly around the total solar eclipse on April 8th, so proceed with caution lest you get burned again.

What falls apart during a retrograde often clearsthe path for something better.  

Some words of wisdom for fledgling affairs from Honigman, “As for new romantic relationships, the stars are not aligned and you should avoid dating someone new – unless you want to descend into a chaotic new relationship. It is best to put your dating life on hold during this time, as people may not always be what they seem.”

Her advice is echoed by 1 in 3 singles who cease their search for love during Mercury retrograde. For the bold, see these tips for communicating when the planetary energy is awry.

“Confusion and miscommunication are common symptoms affecting work life during Mercury retrograde, pushing us to recalibrate the balance between professional progress and personal enrichment. Make sure to stay positive in the face of any potential challenges, postpone any new contracts and presentations whenever possible, and instead focus on reviewing and revising.”

And there you have it folks; review, revise, survive, and thrive. Good luck out there.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girl’s guide” to strip clubs, and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.